
Showing posts from February, 2019

Start of the 8th week-End of my last 3day hospital Chemo

So the end of the last week was my last three days in hospital, and although it was tough I had a sense of relief knowing that I am finely seeing the woods through the trees! The third lot hasn’t been as tough mentally but I have felt a lot more tired, sick, bloated, acid stomach and more hair has thinned out. It’s an absolute strange sensation what your body goes through, and although I have two more tops up left which are this week and next, I’m hoping that when I have my scan there is a positive outcome and this has worked! I will keep updating the blog still and if anyone has any questions so far please feel free to message me in the comments and I will come back to you.

7th week

So far I have been feeling more tired and more sick. It’s a weird feeling that you have no control over but you have to try and do your best everyday. Surprising I still have my hair, although I haven’t gone bald but I have had to shave it as short as I can as it is a little painful at length, and it was starting to grow very slowly which for me is promising for the future I hope! My beard has really patched out in places, I look like a 16 year old again but the only hair that does grow on my beard is hard grey random hairs on my chin!   So I’m in hospital now for my final 3 day treatment cycle, day one has passed and all is well so far, not feeling as hungry as I have been but I’m eating. I’ll have a chest X-ray today at some stage before my second lot of chemo, this is a standard procedure that they do. I’ll update after the second day here.

5th week update (first half)

Starting to feel the strain. Yep, I think that the time has come, after the second hospital stay and intense chemo drugs that entered my body, I’m certainly starting to feel a tiredness and fatigue more so then before. I’ve been feeling a little bit more sick also, and all in all a all round numbness of the body and mind.  I have a day top up at the hospital today, it was only for an hour, however at the end of the treatment, I started to feel sleepy and by the time I got in the car I was falling asleep. The misses thought something was wrong but I just couldn’t keep my eyes open! I got straight into bed and was out like a light. I never had that before!  I’m nearly half way through, it’s a horrible journey the more you go through it but keep positive and make sure you eat and rest and try to get out and walk, that’s the best advise at the moment.

Back at home after the 2nd hospital treatments

NEARLY 2/3rds of the way through!!! Now back at home after three days in hospital. I left the hospital around 12pm, straight to Mac Donald’s, then home for a bath and straight into bed. It’s such a moral booster to be home! I will need to start a course of steroids in three days which will boost my white blood cells as there very low, it’s a needle into the belly flab area, five days worth. In general I’m feeling again lazy, and just generally groggy but the sickness is slowly going away but! The ringing of the ears is back and the greasy skin. The weekend is here so I will rest this whole weekend and most probably eat like a pig (appetite from the steroids).