7th week

So far I have been feeling more tired and more sick. It’s a weird feeling that you have no control over but you have to try and do your best everyday. Surprising I still have my hair, although I haven’t gone bald but I have had to shave it as short as I can as it is a little painful at length, and it was starting to grow very slowly which for me is promising for the future I hope! My beard has really patched out in places, I look like a 16 year old again but the only hair that does grow on my beard is hard grey random hairs on my chin! 

So I’m in hospital now for my final 3 day treatment cycle, day one has passed and all is well so far, not feeling as hungry as I have been but I’m eating. I’ll have a chest X-ray today at some stage before my second lot of chemo, this is a standard procedure that they do.

I’ll update after the second day here.


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