The First Weekend

Saturday, wow what a boost of energy I had, I felt good, and was out most of the day taking full advantage, apart from not feeling 100% I felt independent and good about myself. It lasted pretty much all day and night. Sunday, well I woke up good, then I started to get ringing in my ears which has been coming and going over the course of the whole day, at about 12 midway I started to feel a bit weak, but still managed to have more energy that I didn’t have whilst being administered chemo. I went out for lunch and when I got home I did feel weak, but not bad enough to lay down. As the night has gone on, the ears still ring and I’m glad that I’m in bed. Maybe I went a bit overboard doing too much when I should be resting but it’s hard to sit around when you have energy to move, I mean when I do feel bad then I’ll rest! Not sure if the doctors would agree with that mind. Only symptoms that I feel at the moment are the ringing  of the ears and just a general lowness that your not yourself but! This is all to eliminate the cancer so keeping positive is key! 

I must add the sickness still hasn’t come back yet. 


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