Second Day of Chemo

Second day, felt a weird day. Tired and sick at times, make sure you keep asking for the anti sickness tablets, they do work! I didn’t exactly sleep well in the night on the first night in the hospital so that could be why I was tired throughout the second day. Still meausring my unrine samples to put On my chart and going for little walks to stop getting cabin fever.  Once I’ve finished the saline drip I’m free for 6/7 hours before round two of the chemo, however before the second lot I need to have a chest X-ray.
Feeling slightly groggy and have notice a slight energy lost, went outside to get some fresh air, it’s was a cold day with a chilly wing and my head felt as though it was getting a headache, my body must be started to feel the cold more.  I did perk up in the evening a bit, 9pm the second lot of chemo starts. 


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