Forth Day

The forth day, had my last set of chemo for the week, next time I’m in will be on Tuesday afternoon for one Shot then home again until the week after.  Feeling better then yesterday, I only had one bag of chemo last night, not sure if it’s because I only had the one bag or if it’s because I’m going home.  Only things I can say at the moment is that constipation is still with me, have taken more pills for it yesterday night and a another pill of something else last night, I have passed a few stools but nothing satisfactory, so hopefully today I can get prescribed something a bit stronger to get things moving. The hiccups come and go but not as bad as’s only 8am. Was discharged at 12pm, after an ultrasound scan in my other working testicle which is normal. I had this done as a precaution to make sure it hadn’t spread there as I have been getting a strange burning sensation from that area. Since I’ve got home I’ve had a mc’ds and a bath, straight into bed for a couple of hours sleep. The bath worked wonders and the sleep in a nice quiet house was good! Beats Sleeping on a full lit noisy ward. Feeling ok at the mo, just lazy and tired so food and bed is the order of the rest of the day.


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