December 2018 and the words 'i'm afraid its not good news'
It was just before Xmas and i went for a follow up appointment, i was called in the office and was told straight away 'im afraid its not good news, you need to have Chemo'. My mind went blank and i took in all of the commands the doctor was saying, i was in shock. The cancer had spread to one of my lymph nodes in my torso which was 3cm x 4cm. There was not any psychical sign it was there, it was only visible from a CT scan, i did start to get the odd twinge in the area nearer the time of my chemo start date but nothing that was totally uncomfortable. I enjoyed Xmas and new year living life without a care in the world, trying to stay as positive as i could until my Chemo was to start at the being of January 2019.
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