Day at the hospital

Tuesday - day for an injection

So today has been a tiring day, didn’t sleep great the night before. Still have the ringing of the ears. The day has just dragged, I went to the hospital for some fluids and an injection for the chemo. All went well was in and out under 90mins.
Have had a big appetite today, eaten very well, and I’ve also been to the loo! 


  1. Ive been through this and second round was horrible, all the side effects hit me at once. I wanted to quit if I didnt really need it as I heard the word preventative mentioned. Lost taste for coffee 😭 immune system was absolute rubbish and my hair fell out, if I could advise anyone else it would be to drink lots of juice, shower everyday (I felt so grubby) and listen to your body, three years on and im still fatigued alot of the time and also ptsd as a result of the experience, best of luck in your journey!!!


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