C-DAY (The first day of Chemo)

D day or shall I say C DAY!

On the morning of my Chemo starting I woke about 6.30am, layed in bed and called the ward just after 8.  First time they didn’t answer, second time they did and told me to ring back at 1130am and then they would tell me what time my bed was available.  They said my bed would be ready by 4-5pm, however there was a few tests that I had to do before I could start my treatment so I got to the hospital for 3pm, parking was an absolute Nightmare and we parked where we could, not in a space! I come to the ward where I would be starting my treatment, they weighed me and I put my overnight bags in the office. I then went on to get my lungs checked and then my ears checked. Then back to the ward for just after 5pm, I then had a cannula put in my arm and had my bloods taken, then I was asked a series of questions by a student nurse, about well being, if anyone is at home to look after me etc. I then asked to go and have some food which i called the 'last supper', then got back to the ward for about 6, bed was ready about 6.30 and I then had to wait for the doctor to come and see me then I could start my treatment.  The doctor didn’t come and see me until 9.30 and he said my bloods are OK you can start...then the treatment started.  They made me take an anti sickness tablet then pumped two lots of steroid tubes in my cannula which gave me a weird sensation in my groin area, it felt like i had an itchy scrotum and an itchy ass, it soon went after a few Min's, then I went on a 2hr chemo bag, which by the way is always covered in a brown bag.  Feeling fine apart from I have a slight runny nose at the end of the first bag, after it finished they squeeze the last bit out in a few short bursts then a 4 minute flush and then a 4 hour bag. I must note that they give you a 1litre jug which you must pass at least 200ml of urine in and record this down on your chart after you have been given the first bag and the will not give your second chemo bag until you have passed at least 200ml of urine.  By the end of the first bag I had weed 1.5litre and then another 1litre 30mins into the second bag, I drunk 3l in the space of three hours so don’t overdue on the water! I did get told of for drinking to much End of first day. Observation checks are done every four hours and you can walk about with your machine which you can unplug from the wall, for any geeks out there the battery last for 3hr30mins approx

Thinking what’s all the fuss about this is cool, I can do this, but I’m sure there’s more side effects to come on further down the line 

Half three in the morning, and my bed mate is having sex with his misses while me and him are on chemo on the pump! What the! Then he goes to the toilet wheeling his pumper.

Another anti sickness at 4.40am, 10mins to go on the four hour bag, sickness pill was a lot smaller then the first one but has done the Job.


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